Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Rain on my face

Its finally that time of the year. The monsoon rains are here to bring the much needed relief from the scorching sun. The downpours are pretty heavy, flooding certain areas in Singapore. To quote the Flying Dutchman, "There is ponding in some areas in Singapore, and if you are a tourist and haven't seen it before, you should go and take a look".

Have you ever wondered what an irony water is? Its so precious that it brings life to a lifeless desert, and at the same time, it can cause collateral damage of gargantuan proportions as witnessed in the recent Boxing Day tsunami.

When I was younger, my pals and I used to hang out at the beach pretty much. We really didn't have that many hi-tech toys to play with then. The sand and the sea were convenient mediums to satisfy our childhood fantasies. And one of the things which I've notice was how every time a wave came crashing onto the shore, it took a piece of land with it. And after many time (over the years) a portion of the beach just fell away. This was what we learnt in geography as "erosion".


1. The process of eroding or the condition of being eroded: erosion of the beach; progressive erosion of confidence in our legal system; erosion of the value of the dollar abroad.
2. The group of natural processes, including weathering, dissolution, abrasion, corrosion, and transportation, by which material is worn away from the earth's surface.

But now, the Parks Board has rebuilt that portion, strengthening that area by builing a concrete structure.

Relationships are like that. We are constantly subjected to wave after wave of emotional torment and perhaps irritation until one day after all the erosion, we finally succumb to the pressure of the wave and collaspe. The relationship is broken.
Of course you can just lie there in bitterness or in defeat, or you can choose to build something out of that wreckage. Something stronger than what is was before, to build a bridge to overcome that portion which has eroded away.

Are you a bridge builder?

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