Saturday, July 23, 2005

Absolutely Relative

I'm been pretty much a computer geek for the most part of my life. Have always loved "techie" stuff. Think some of you have seen how excited I get when I talk about gadgets and stuff. Sigh... what a bliss to have tech! My first computer was an Apple. It had a monochrome monitor and it sat on the CPU. Beside it was the disk drive. What we now know as the hard drive was non-existent then. If you know something about monitors, they have progressed slowly over time. From the monochrome (Which was green on black by the way and not white on black) to the CGAs, the EGAs and finally the VGAs, the super VGAs and now, the LCDs. (Hmmm that was a mouthful of acronyms huh)

It just occured to me that in the olden days (20 years ago) the shades of the image that the computer can generate has vastly changed. From monochrome to a myrid of colours. Even the shades of grey have changed tremendously that now we have what you call gradient colour. (ie many different shades of a colour). Its funny you know, life in the 80s was simpler. Things were usually right or wrong. I never really had to to wrestle with things like I do nowadays. Life then was like the monochrome monitor. 2 tones, right and wrong.

In the new century. the new buzz word is relative (not the family relation kind of relative). Everything seems to be relative. Its no longer right or wrong, its relative. Its on a grayscale now. It depends form person to person. Its like the super VGA. Many varaitions. And this reflects the attitudes and lives of people in this century. Everything (almost that is) is no longer right or wrong, but its relative to one's experience in life.

In math, I remember that we had to learn this number line theory. It was basically a line and on it you indicate a zero and then on the right of the zero you place a positive integer and to the left of the zero you place a negative integer. That helped me much in my math and I think that also helps us see clearer into life. While we might think that eveything is relative, there cannot be a relative without an absolute. In the case of the number line, without the zero (the absolute) the positive and the negative doesn't mean anything at all.

So, what's your absolute?

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