Wednesday, November 09, 2005

New Beginnings

It funny how to have to go through something totally new so near the end of the year. Its day 3 of the new "wake up at 7am" regime. I must say it takes a little bit more discipline to sleep earlier so that I'm not "grumpy" in the morning. I'm not a morning person, usually takes me a couple of hours to warm up to face the new day haha.

adj. grump·i·er, grump·i·est

Surly and peevish; cranky.

grumpi·ly adv.
grumpi·ness n.

Its all about timing. Sometimes I wonder how much of things am I missing out when I just focused on my own life, the missed opportunities, the chance meetings etc. My new regime saw me in the lift at 7.20am.

On the 13th floor, a father came in with his son. Probably sending the son to school. The son was fiddling with his wallet, he was trying to attach some cord to his wallet. Its one of those cords that is conencted to the wallet at one end and at the other end to the person. This is to prevent the wallet from being lost if it accidentally drops out of the pocket. I never had one of those. I never lost my wallet also (hope not speaking too soon). Guess there are more things in life to worry about?

Being a student was pretty much a carefree life for me. I took things real easy (maybe a bit too easy...look at me now). I wonder what kinds of stuff a kid has to deal with today. I think i might not was so much simpler then...

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