Monday, November 21, 2005

If first impressions count

He walks in to the room, looking confident, well groomed. If first impressions were to count as anything, you'll think - "This guy has it all made out for him"


1. An effect, feeling, or image retained as a consequence of experience.
2. A vague notion, remembrance, or belief: I have the impression that we have met once before.
3. A mark produced on a surface by pressure.
4. The act or process of impressing.

Its only when he shared his life, his story that everything became clearer. Dyslexia is one of them, broken family, and a myrid of other unseen issues. He shared because he was looking for something - acceptance.

It easy to look at someone and form some kind of impression. But often that is only skin-deep, surely our lives go deeper than the superficial epidermis. I think sometime, we only see what we want to see. We choose to look at the world and people with our own polarizing glasses. We filter out what we want to see and what we don't want to see.

This is dedicated to K who was so inspiring in sharing his life story. My heart goes out to you, but at the same time, I salute you because of the strength you have displayed. You have encouraged me and inspired me. Counting my blessings.

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