Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Milky milkmaid

One of my favourite things when I was young was the "Milkmaid" brand condense milk. My granny had this habit of having tea at 3pm in the afternoon. We would have tea and eat biscuits while watching re-runs of chinese dramas on channel 8, the mandarin channel.

The condense milk usually came in a can and my granny would open it and leave it in the fridge till she needed it. Once in a while, I remember, when no one was looking, I would slowly creep to the fridge, open it, dip my finger in the can and scoop out a generous portion on condense milk and lick my finger clean. Mmmm... it was heaven.

That was definitely a rush, not to mention the sugar high. Fortuantely I did not turn out to be some drug addict or something, and with all that sneaking around in the kitchen.

My love for condense milk has carried over into my adult life. The aunty in the pantry also stocks up on condense milk, to be used with the "kopi tiam" coffee which she brews every morning. Fortunately for me, I no longer need to sneak around for my daily dose of condense milk. I have it with my cuppa coffee every morning. But everyone in the office knows how much I love condense milk....


Roy said...

ok, condense milk i understand, but why is evaporated milk still in liquid form? :P

Ben Kenobi Lim said...

Good question on the evaporated milk!! BTW, I was like you Pierre. I am quite amazed bec when you do share about things before, they kinda sound familiar and can identify with it! But I dun stick my finger in anymore. I just use a spoon!