Thursday, August 11, 2005

Life most ordinary

Yeap, its good to be back after a short break. It was a definite good trip. Managed to catch up on much needed sleep. Spent the last couple of days as a beach bum just sitting around. Its pretty tiring work. Fortunately, I did manage to squeeze in a considerable amount of thinking and pondering despite falling into a deep trance (also known as sleep) many a times.

One of the interesting things that I realised is this. We usually use the word ordianry to describe ourselves (for me at least). But are we really ordinary?


1. Commonly encountered; usual. See Synonyms at common.
1. Of no exceptional ability, degree, or quality; average.
2. Of inferior quality; second-rate.
3. Having immediate rather than delegated jurisdiction, as a judge.
4. Mathematics. Designating a differential equation containing no more than one independent variable.

So am I really all that ordinary? Thought I might come up with the 10 craziest things I have done:

1) Parachuted from a C130
2) Heli-rappelled from a helicopter
3) Done scuba-diving at advance level
4) travelled to Afghanistan twice, once to the Northern Alliance and once to Kabul
5) Been to Tajikistan
6) Backpacked in Eurpoe for a month
7) Worked on board a ship for 6 weeks
8) Worked in -15 degrees environment
9) Held a photo exhibition in the History Museum
10) Climbed Mt Ophir

Ordinary? Hardly.

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