Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Refined by fire

Apologies. I know that I have been MIA for like the longest time. December has come and gone. Usually the busiest time of the year, friends returning home from overseas and catching up with them already takes up so much time. No to mention the festive mood with all the parties and activities goign on, its good to finally be able to sit down and take a breather. 2005 has come and gone and 2006 is here!

Looking back, 2005 was fraught with much pain. Many changes took place, many heartaches and most of all, many experiences that I had to endure. But that's it isn't it? Its all about refinement. Its a changing of norms. No one likes change, we all like to be status quo.

Change only comes about from an external source. Imagine, what changes a dirty piece of carbon in to a brilliant diamond? Pressure, a great deal of it. Well, I'm no diamond (yet) but I look forward to the day when I become perfect. Its a process and I look forward to more change this year...

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