Monday, December 12, 2005

Worry wart

I can only imagine that one of the greatest feelings that a man can experience is that of "fatherhood" a change in his responsibilities and perhaps his perspective of life etc. To see a father gently carrying his babe, caring, protecting. They say that having a child usually mellows a person much. I look forward to that experience.

Recently heard someone share about having children and learning how to bring them up. It was mention that some of us will never have physical children but he emphasized that we should have spiritual children. I must testify that there is much truth in it. The experience is in a way out of this world. There is joy, disappointments and at the sametime the happiness when you see that your charges are doing well. There are also of course heartaches and times of mourning. But at the end of the day, like any experience, it makes us stronger. Strong because we learn from our expereince and of course that constant reminder that we too have a heavenly Father looking out for us, and the reminder too of how we should behave.

I worry for my charges all the time. They might not know about it, but I do. Someone mentioned that it makes them feel like kids. My reply - you don't only worry for kids. You worry for people that matter and care for.

As I look back on this eventful year, the joy, the pain, the tears the disappointments, the victories, I cannot help but smile. Why you might ask, because I've survived it, but most importantly I'm a better, stronger person. Thank you for all that you have done for me, my Father, and everyone that has played a part in my life. I appreciate all of you. Next year I want to try doing the Standard Chartered Marathon.


Roy said...

Marathon.. That's 2.4 many many times.. hehe.. okie set lah.. so when does training start? hehe.

hold up the sky said...

you guys are damn brave sia.... i'm only thinking of the 10k run. that already i got problem.... :)

coke said...

Must try lah...never say die! hehe