Monday, May 22, 2006

Storm against the window

One of the "privileges" of living in Singapore is the unpredictability of the tropical weather. It can be hot, humid and sunny one moment and the next, its raining cats and dogs. Imagine being caught in that situation without an umbrella! It quite amazing actually, when you least expect it, it will hit you. There is nothing like being in a car when the storms hit. The rain pounding relentlessly on the windscreen, but unfazed, you continue on your journey, wherever that may be.

un·fazed Audio pronunciation of "unfazed"
Pronunciation Key (n-fzd)

adj. Not fazed or disturbed.

Things will always be unpredictable and storms will always rage, important thing is to have a refuge where you can go when the storms come. Where is your refuge? What is your solid rock? What are you anchored to?

Monday, May 15, 2006

Earth Shaker

Being very much a routine person who needs stability with the familiar, unchanging schedules etc, it can get depressing and discouraging when things don't seem to be what they are. Was watching this show about disasters and there was this portion when it showed a building collasped suddenly, without a warning, killing many people in it. A building is suppose to withstand the element, providing protection for those who are in it. But when something like that happenes, the very foundation of our beliefs are shaken!

Marriage, an institution I very much believe in, is challanged as we see spouses becomin gunfaithful with no rhyme or reason, I just heard from a friend that an associate's wife walk out on him out of the blue. It saddens my heart.

The more time passes, it seems that there is nothing certain in this world. Things which are suppose to be trustworthy fail you or play your out. Then what is the point in building anything? What if all that I have built just decides to collaspe?!

I am reminded that there is one thing which is certain. My faith in an faithful, unchanging God. My foundation, that is unmovable, certain and solid. That gives me strength to continue living. Yes, things may change, just like the weather, but I know that my worth as a person will never change!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

My world shall be my petridish

A wise man is not one who has lived long, but one who has travelled far - Krygyz saying

Time really flies when you are having a good time! I've flown to Kyrgyzstan and come back! That is another "-tan" country to add to my list. So far, its been Tajikstan and Afghanistan. Looking forward to visit Uzbekistan next!

I particularly like the Krygyz saying and I tend to agree with what is said. Its easy to become myopic if we continue to live in our small world, we really need to venture out and see what the world has to offer. We are all prone to complain about our circumstances, but only if we knew how other people in the world are suffering. We complain about the high prices of petrol and how expensive a car cost, but in another part of the world, people are struggling to buy wood to warm their houses in winter! Puts things into perspective don't you think?

I am thankful for the opportunites that I am given to widen my horizons, to learn abotu other cultures, to converse with and to learn so many other things. I just heard that some schools today organize overseas trips to other countires, in particular Mongolia. I'm particularly pleased to hear that. Perhaps when our young learn about other cultures, they will learn to be more grateful for what they have and not take things for granted. Get your world view perpective broadened!