Friday, July 25, 2008

regret |rɪˈgrɛt|

regret |rɪˈgrɛt|
verb ( -gretted , -gretting ) [ trans. ]
feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, esp. a loss or missed opportunity)

Long days, meetings, markings, more meetings.

Its no wonder that the question of the day seems to revolve around my decision to quit my previous job was suddenly thrust into the limelight. The question was surprisingly asked a couple of times. I must confess that I find my secret stash of time slowly ebbing away as I struggle to collect what remaining grains of time I can find. The amount of sleep is dwindling but I gather its really just the lethargy is taking hold of my body. We have a creed we live by: "The body is weak, but the mind is strong." My mind drives me at the moment. Keep up the good work buddy.

Regret is merely a state of mind. And if we are not careful, its easy to get caught up in that vortex. And once you are in it, it will take a supernatural feat to get you out of it. I choose to stay clear of that vortex. Its simple, "if" is never a solution to any problem. Its a question that will always beg another question. Regret? Never, because I prefer to look forward.

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